Putting our clients first since 1984

At our company, we believe that building strategic partnerships is crucial to achieving success. We work closely with our partners to understand their needs and find the best solutions for them. Additionally, we place a strong emphasis on accurate sourcing of materials and products to ensure that our customers receive the highest quality goods. We also understand the importance of timely delivery, and we make it a priority to meet or exceed our customers' expectations in this regard. With our focus on these three key areas, we are confident in our ability to provide our customers with the best products and services possible.


We will position ourselves as a ONE STOP solution and diligently pursue our B2B directions with truth and knowledge inspired by our clients values and guided by our well trained professional staff in their respective field of activity.


To be a leading trading company providing the best quality services, acting as a true agent of development and contact.
Syed Nabeel Hashmi


CEO Message

Hello everyone.

Thank you for visiting the Website of SNH Commodities. As you navigate our website, I hope you learn more about the qualities that make our company an outstanding provider of essential commodity sourcing.

We have a client first philosophy and our only ONE objective is to ensure our clients requirements are achieved with the highest level of capability and assurance, and at the lowest possible cost.

Send us your queries, sit back and relax.